Top rated - 20070324 - Taba Heights, Egypt |

The theatre/amphitheatre, Petra904 viewsRoman and pre-Roman structure.     (1 votes)

Gift shop yards away from The Treasury671 viewsNasty plaster replicas of the Treasury facade.     (1 votes)

The Siq698 views     (1 votes)

Obelisk Tomb719 views     (1 votes)

View of mountains from the hotel897 views     (1 votes)

Wadi Mousa769 viewsThe spring which the Old Testament says Moses created by striking a rock with his staff.     (1 votes)

Dusk 798 viewsView of Red Sea and Saudi Arabia     (1 votes)

Salt Water Lagoon at Intercontinental Hotel826 views     (1 votes)

Hotel Balcony Views922 viewsTaken from our balcony at the Intercontinental Hotel, Taba Heights, Egypt. On the other side of the Red Sea are Saudia Arabia and Jordan     (1 votes)

Tomb entrances, Petra783 views     (1 votes)

The Treasury, Petra - detail677 viewsThe entire structure was carved from the sandstone cliffs.     (1 votes)

Outside the Treasury, Petra677 viewsOn the day we visited, there were approximately 15,000 people visiting Petra. Usually there are only 1,500 so it was horribly busy. In the centre-left of this picture you can see the boom being used by a film crew who were completely destroying what little atmosphere was left by playing loud Bollywood music from a large soundsystem while filming an actor.     (1 votes)

Hotel Balcony Views784 viewsTaken from our balcony at the Intercontinental Hotel, Taba Heights, Egypt. On the other side of the Red Sea are Saudia Arabia and Jordan     (1 votes)