Last comments - Telecom Gold Noticebd Reunion - 13th March 2004 |

429 views03/22/04 at 09:49Chesh: .... at least they were being worn, more like!!!

273 views03/20/04 at 10:26Jayne: Excellent Pic - Eeyore you havn't changed a bit......

429 views03/20/04 at 10:25Jayne: Could have been the shock of seeing my knickers ag...

445 views03/20/04 at 10:22Jayne: Ali - I'll never forgive you for bringing those pi...

318 views03/20/04 at 08:45Zazen: Now however did he get his hand round her waist?

446 views03/17/04 at 00:04nigel:

429 views03/16/04 at 21:57Holly: I think you overdid the blusher a bit, Asty!

445 views03/16/04 at 21:56Holly: Memories start flooding back to Debs upon seeing p...

317 views03/16/04 at 21:54Holly: Put him down. You don't know where he's been (but ...

424 views03/16/04 at 21:42Holly: Nobody warned Debs that Holly turned into a vampir...

392 views03/16/04 at 21:29pooh: Chesh - you bastard!

446 views03/16/04 at 16:32Jag: Love that T-Shirt - where did you get it from? I w...

309 views03/16/04 at 16:31Jag: AND I remember him too!

294 views03/16/04 at 16:29Jag: Hey - I remember that guy from somewhere!

376 views03/16/04 at 08:16Tigger: ... poor Chesh, but don't let on I told you !

392 views03/15/04 at 21:53eeyore: ...I know I asked if I could borrow your dictaphon...

420 views03/15/04 at 19:37Chesh: It'll cost ya more than that, big boy

282 views03/15/04 at 19:32Chesh: Holly: I see zat you use yur Fuji vera well mssr D...

424 views03/15/04 at 19:28Chesh: Clanger 2: No you're OK Debs, there are no grey on...

294 views03/15/04 at 19:26Chesh: Asty discovers happiness, a beer in each and Neuro...

293 views03/15/04 at 19:24Chesh: Eeyore: I'd like to call to order this meeting of ...

376 views03/15/04 at 19:22Chesh: Tigger: .... and he was only this big

Graham (aka Asterix)316 views03/15/04 at 19:21Chesh: Asty does his Bo Selecta impression

242 views03/15/04 at 17:30eoin: Not very often. It'll come back in fashion if I wa...

Tony (aka Pooh)312 views03/15/04 at 10:30Chesh: Its not just a look

392 views03/15/04 at 10:29Chesh: OK so who should we send another message to with T...

223 views03/15/04 at 10:28Chesh: Chesh: I've no idea how to turn this on Dawn: No c...

273 views03/15/04 at 10:24Chesh: Eeyore: Honey you know I always asked about a thre...

317 views03/15/04 at 10:22Chesh: Tony: I'm sorry I said your wife wasn't a redhead ...

288 views03/15/04 at 10:20Chesh: You too can have shiny hair like this with just 3 ...

306 views03/15/04 at 10:19Chesh: Debbie: At least those pants were clean
Alison: A...

307 views03/15/04 at 10:14Chesh: Zoot experiments with the latest in Sony watersqui...

445 views03/15/04 at 10:12Chesh: Paper, rock scissors to decide who buys the next r...

293 views03/15/04 at 00:01Mike: And it looks like Pooh just can't break out of tha...

242 views03/14/04 at 23:58Mike: Eoin, have you had your hair cut since 1980?

212 views03/14/04 at 23:55Mike: "Would you just look at that...!" "...

420 views03/14/04 at 23:52Mike: A penny for them!

281 views03/14/04 at 23:51Mike: Nobody told me there was going to be mud wrestling...

287 views03/14/04 at 20:43eeyore: "Gottle a geer, gottle a geer"

453 views03/14/04 at 17:19Pooh: Debbie "Don't trust this man..."