Fossil, our cat, only moved out a week or so ago. Yesterday evening I thought I saw something move in the little alcove where he used to have his food. I had a closer look but couldn’t see anything.
Just as I was about to go to bed at around midnight, I see a tiny brown mouse flit from the kitchen into the bathroom. Quickly close the door and consider a plan of action.

Armed with a waste basket and a bit of cardboard I go into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. The mouse is in the corner of the bathroom, so I put a lightbulb box down near him and shuffle about a bit. He makes a dash into the box, which I quickly pick up, only to see mighty mouse leap out of it like he was spring-loaded!
He moved to the otherside of the bathrom, behind the sink pedestal, before making a dash for a whole in the bath panel. Sneaky, but ultimately dumb as there’s no way out from under there.
Fetch screwdriver and take side panel off bath (awkward as it’s as wide as the room) and in the process spike my finger on a rusty nail. Always good to add a bit of blood to the process. There he is under the bath, sitting having a wash and looking at me with cute beady eyes.
Spotting a hole in the plasterboard wall, I put one of my Reef sandals into the hole, preventing Mr Mousey from condemning himself to the doom of being trapped between the wall. Grab the “shiny new torch I bought last week and keep a watch on him.
After about an hour and a half, he’s been into the lightbulb box a couple of times but never for long enough that I’m able to catch the little bugger.
Finally, he comes out from under the bath and I corner him between the bin and the lightbulb box. He goes in and I pop the door down. Success!
Carefully carry the box out to the back garden and let him go free. He disappears into the undergrowth, hopefully to go visit someone elses house.
He had probably come in through the back door which we’ve been leaving open while the weather has been so hot.
Back indoors, I put the side back on the bath and do the screws up, and start tidying away.
Then I remember my Reef sandal. Still stuck in the whole in the plasterboard, now behind the bath panel. Rats! (or Mice!)
Bath panel off again, retrieve sandal, panel on again. Tidy up and so to bed. 2:05am. So much for an early night…