If all goes well, we should exchange contracts on a house in the next day or so.
We’ve been trying to buy somewhere on and off for the past 3 years, so it’s been a long time coming, but I think this one will finally go through.
The house needs some work before we can move in so we’ll be staying in our rented flat for a couple of months while that work is done. There’s plenty to do, with a new kitchen, 2 new bathrooms and lots of redecoration required.

If things go according to schedule, we should complete on the house before Easter, so we can start some of the work then.
We’re quite excited after having several disappointments when trying to buy properties previously, but I don’t think Vic or I will actually believe it until the deal is finally complete.
I forsee many trips to B&Q and IKEA in our future.
Update @12:34pm 31/3/09: We’ve exchanged!