Sorry for the downtime yesterday; this was due to me moving the server and then having to wait a couple of hours for the DNS changes to catch up.
The move went pretty smoothly, I whipped the server out of the Netscalibur rack and put it into the Exonetric rack on the next floor down in Telehouse North

I’ve rejigged my MoveableType templates to add some advertising for Exonetric, as a way of thanking them for hosting the server, and I can thoroughly recommend their service (and they’re nice chaps too). They provide colo and “FreeBSD jail services at competitive prices.
After moving the server, we retired to The Southwark Tavern for a joint leaving drinking session for 3 Netscalibur/Claranet people. The whole lower floor was booked out and attendance was very good. I was asked to be “official” photographer, which resulted in the usual collection of pictures of the back of heads, the ceiling and assorted drunken loons .
The survey of the flat was completed yesterday, and (fingers crossed) that all went well, with no great surprises. Things are moving along nicely.
Off to lunch now with a couple of other ex-Netscallies.