Another quiet week. I had a wander around Brixton in the rain last Wednesday followed by a few beers with some ex-Netscallies at The Market Porter by London Bridge. Everyone seems to be doing very well, which is as it should be.

The flat sale seems to be moving along, no date for the survey yet, but they’ve got a couple more days.
Vic and I have been watching a few films:-
* Spellbound – very good, low budget documentary about the US National Spelling Bee
* Goodbye Lenin – German comedy (!) about a family and the fall of the Berlin Wall
* Underworld – pretty poor vampires vs werewolves shooty flick, made only just bearable by Kate Beckinsale wearing a rubber catsuit throughout.
* Love Actually – chintzy Brit Rom-Com thing. Not as bad as I’d feared.
* In The Cut – Meg Ryan thriller which is surprisingly sexually explicit in places.
The server that this site is hosted on will probably be moving later in the week. Shouldn’t cause more than a few hours of downtime while all the DNS re-aligns.
It’ll be moving to a new uk colo service run by a former colleague of mine. (Very reasonable rates etc etc).